Minnesota law requires that information regarding the nature and risks of concussions is made available to all participating coaches, officials, youth athletes (youth is defined as a person through age 18 years of age) and their parents or guardians. Initial online training and additional online training every three years is required of all officials and coaches that is consistent with the current medical knowledge from the the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). A free online training program is available through the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and can be found HERE. All coaches of youth athletes participating in USATF Minnesota events or USATF sanctioned clubs are required to complete the initial online training and to complete online training every three years thereafter consistent with the requirements of Minnesota law. All officials working at USATF Minnesota events with youth athletes are required to complete the initial online training and are required to complete online training every three years thereafter consistent with the requirements of Minnesota law. Coaches and officials are required to remove youth athletes from participating in any youth athletic activity when the youth athlete exhibits signs, symptoms or behaviors consistent with a concussion or is suspected of having sustained a concussion. Once a youth athlete is removed from participation, the athlete may not again participate until the activity until the athlete no longer exhibits signs, symptoms or behaviors consistent with a concussion and is evaluated by a provider trained and experienced in evaluating and managing concussions and the provider gives the youth athlete written permission to again participate in the activity. For those wishing to read the amended Minnesota statute requiring concussion training for officials and coaches of many youth sports programs, you can find it HERE.