click the link (currently TBD)
Meet Information - (link to details) Online Registration - There is only online registration for this meet. There is no meet day registration. Spectator fee - $10 (cash, card, venmo) Registration Deadlines: Multi Events: Need to register at least 1 hour prior to the start of your event (ONLINE ONLY!) Saturday & Sunday Events: Friday June 13 at 9pm CT Online Registration help:
Tools for Individuals or Unattached:
Prior to registration athletes must be members of USATF Minnesota for the current year and have their date of birth verified in the USATF database.
DATE OF BIRTH VERIFICATION POLICY (revised 4-21) USATF National Championships require that event registrants shall be date-of-birth verified. Members are required to upload/submit their birthdate verification documents while completing their membership profile on the USATF Connect system. There may be other competitions that require birthdate verification. Check event eligibility requirements carefully when registering for an event. DOCUMENT SUBMISSION DEADLINE Documents submitted for birthdate verification will be processed within five (5) business days of submission (excluding holidays). It is the responsibility of the registrant to assure submission in a timely manner to meet entry deadlines. HOW TO SUBMIT DOCUMENTS Birthdate verification documents must be uploaded through USATF Connect. If you are experiencing trouble uploading these documents, please contact the USATF National Office for assistance. Be advised that birthdate verification documents will not be accepted or uploaded by the National Office. Procedures for uploading these documents in the USATF Connect system must be adhered to and there will be no exceptions. Documents sent to the National Office will be returned and the verification will not be processed. If a document is illegible it will be invalidated and will not be processed. Invalidated documents will not result in an extension of the submission deadline. No extension will be granted for invalidated documents that require re-submission. The processing period will remain in effect. Birthdate verification documents will remain a permanent part of the member profile and will not require re-submission. RULES – CONDUCT & FACILITY: Coolers are not permitted in the stadium. No glass bottles or containers permitted. No grills permitted. No alcohol or tobacco permitted on school property. No pets permitted. All participants and spectators are expected to show proper conduct towards others and the facility. Meet administration reserves the right to have individuals removed from the facility for behavior deemed unacceptable. No refunds